Restructure by Hart & Co. Lawyers

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About Us

Our story. Our vision.

The story of


A vision to provide an innovative solution to employers.

The team at Hart & Co Lawyers has always prided itself on its expertise in employment law.

With the global downturn that hit the economy in late 2022, there was a need in the space to assist employers manage the lower growth environment by efficiently reducing their headcount.

After months of research, the team developed an innovative approach to redundancy and performance management that could be used to ensure compliance with employment laws and minimise the risk of claims. 

They called it “Restructure”.

Meet The Team

Meet the people that drive Restructure.

Director & Senior Lawyer

Roxanne Hart

Roxanne acts on behalf of small, medium and large businesses, ASX listed entities, Government departments, Local Councils, major industry associations, and not-for-profits in commercial & employment law. She has over a decade of experience.

Associate Lawyer

Cruz Folmli

For over 5 years Cruz has been advising employers on every aspect of employment law, from employment contracts to restraints of trade, labour hire, industrial relations, contractor management, redundancies and terminations. His background in business and technology means that he brings a commercial mindset to every matter he approaches.

"If we are to stay ahead of the curve, it is imperative to embrace meaningful and forward-thinking change in employment law."

Roxanne Hart

Our History

The vision of Restructure was born. Market research and development was undertaken to ensure the right product was brought forward.

The first beta and alpha of the Restructure platform was wireframed with content built.

Launch of the Restructure website.

We are constantly working on ways to improve the Restructure platform.

Got questions?

We've got answers. Reach out using the form or feel free to give us a call.

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